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  • The belief of what's right and what's wrong

How to uphold moral standards

  • The goal needs to be moral (a belief)
  • The means also need to be moral
    • good intention + "Any means necessary" mentality often leads to tragedy

Rules are only meaningful when most follow the rules

  • Following the rules when others don't is doomed to fail
  • Following the moral standars when others don't is a disadvantage
  • Some moral compromises must be made against immoral enemies

Good intention does not automatically justify everything

Many harms can be done by actions with good intention. Good moral means both the good intention and the good means.

  • Our body system can overreact to allergies and cause harm (hence the need of antihistamine drugs)
  • Eliminating "harmful" species like rats or mosquittos can break the balance of food chain
  • A drug designed to save lives could cause more deaths
  • Revolution for a just cause can lead to even more oppression