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There are 2 common ideas people like to see in society: freedom and equality. However, there are fundamentally conflicts between these 2 ideas.

We humans do not like seeing others doing much better than us, especially if there is luck involved. From the ancient times, people have demanded "equality" or "fairness". "Equality" is common demand after people have "freedom" but it often means less freedom:

  1. choose freedom ➡️ people do different things ➡️ they get unequal outcomes
  2. choose equality ➡️ forced loss on rich people ➡️ they have lost freedom


  • Unrelated to freedom
  • Equality is ambiguous
  • Equality in opportunities?
  • Equality in outcome?
  • Equality under the law?
  • Enforcing equality leads to hurting freedom because it’s about comparing individuals
  • The concept of equality is dangerous and can lead to communism

Freedom vs. equality

  • Religion and beliefs are always about freedom, not about equality.
  • Freedom allows individual cells, organism, and people to evolve and mutate in their own ways
  • Equality without freedom would be the end of life. We are only equal on this thing called death.
  • Equality in opportunity vs. outcome
  • Respect the majority’s will vs. what’s right/existing law
  • Large government with less freedom vs. small government with more freedom
  • Extreme equality is dictatorship vs. extreme freedom is anarchy
  • The concept of "left vs. right" is often freedom vs. equality under the hood. To avoid confusion, we will not use the term "left" or "right"