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Language is about what words we use and how we structure it.

Language influences power

The way words are chosen and conveyed can influence the public opinion, consequently influence our beliefs. As shown in the philosophy overview, if language can shape beliefs, it can shape every aspect of society.

Below are some examples that people use a new expression or hijack an existing expression to convey the same meaning with more hate, but the new word seemingly make their opinion a "fact", thus giving them more moral authority.

I don't believe it

  • conspiracy theory
  • baseless
  • false informaiton
  • misinformation
  • disinformation
  • hateful language

I don't like them

  • far-left
  • pinko
  • far-right
  • racist
  • extremist
  • fringe group
  • capitol rioters

Depending on the situation, we should object that or be mindful of their intentions.

Power influences language

Political power has created many new language or newspeak over the recent years. By repeating these newspeak many times through legacy and digital media, the new meanings of the language gets planted deep in society.