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Communism is the belief that other people should be forced to make sacrifices for the good of the commune.

It is supposed to be an organized way to achieve "equality", but achieves "equity" instead. Equality refers to the same start line for individual advancement, while equity refers to proportional group representation at the finish line.

How communism work

As Mao famously said, there are 3 most important aspects for communist revolution

  1. Propaganda
  2. Purge with force
  3. United front (create division)

This doc is going to detail how each aspect work.


Depending on the extent of sacrificing freedom for "equality", often associated with the following words:

  • "Collectivism"
  • "Socialism"
  • "Liberal"
  • "Left"
  • "Progressive"
  • "Democrat"
  • "People"