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  • Do whatever one wants
  • The most important
  • Essential, broad but clearly defined
  • “Personal freedom”, if it’s personal matter, one has the freedom to do whatever he pleases


  • In a society, there are other people and their freedom needs to be respected
  • Protects freedom responsibly when there are conflicts between freedoms
  • Under the rule of law without depriving anyone else of their freedom
  • “Individual liberty”, in a group, each individual can fulfill his desire as long as it does not hurt other people’s liberty
  • The freedom to make individual decisions without conforming to the group identity

Free will

  • To believe in freedom is to belive in free will as well
  • Free will is related to randomness.
  • If we believe the current physical science is the only mechanism in the world (no such thing as conscience, soul, magic), then we do not have free will. Every thought and action by a person is entirely dependent on the deterministic neutron reactions.

Limit of freedom

In different societies, there are different limits imposed on freedom. They restrict acts that do not harm anyone's freedom, but deemed unacceptable by society.


  • Incest
  • Underage marriage
  • Drugs
  • Gambling

Threats to freedom

Aside from the limits, there are many threats to freedom. While the pursuit of freedom is human nature, there other 3 other human natures that form the most foundmental threat to freedom:

  1. Jealousy
  2. Greed
  3. Laziness

FireTofu is going to explain each one of them.