The Action Playbook
May have the context of Canada. For explanation of the actions, see rationales.
1. Know yourself
Know your place
If unvaccinated, know that
- you are the vulnerable, stay strong
- you are despised and hated by a good portion of society now
If vaccinated, know that
- the unvaccinated are in a vulnerable place, be sensitive and care for them
- you can leverage your status to vouch for the unvaccinated
Know your sacrifice
- True belief is sacred, and always needs sacrifices
- The government is going to keep increasing your pain. Know where you draw the line
- Decide for yourself, how much are you going to give up (how much fun? how many relationships? how much money? your life?)
2. Know your enemies
Target individuals, not groups
- Vague group references like "the government", "the elites" may work fine for communication but would not work for action plans
- Your enemy is not "the government" or any government aparatus, your enemy is a handful of decision makers
- Know their contacts
Priority matters
Must be strategic with the approach and have a priority. Do not engage with too many enermies at once. Pick the highest-level enemy that you can pressure on.
- Some media editors and reporters
- Some unelected government officials
- Some elected government officials
3. Know the situation
What could happen and why we must fight
- Ever tighter control on information, i.e. anyone spreading “disinformation” could face fines and jail time.
- The percentage is the estimated likelihood of situation worsen to the stage.
Stage 0 (100%): Things remain as they are
Stage 1 (90%): More restrictions on Charter freedom
- Ban to work, study
- Ban to enter groceries, banks, churches and parks
- Routine harassment
Stage 2 (10%): Jail
- Scenario 1: A fine for unvaxxed, starting from $10k and gradually increasing, to $200k. Anyone who cannot pay it will be jailed.
- Scenario 2: Force unvaxed into "isolation camps"
Stage 3 (5%): Door-to-door forced injections
The fight is hard
We are facing a cult that hijacked the word "science" as their religion
- The "chief scientists" in governments are the priests
- Know how the "science" preached by media is different from actual science
- Shining a light with the uneducated is hard. Converting someone influenced by a cult is extra hard
The discrimination against unvaxed is planned, rampant and enforced
Because of the mandates, no unvaxed representation in
- Parliament
- Court houses
- Workplaces
- Other public spaces
Do not have the illusion that petitions, protests or any single action alone can finish the fight quickly
The fight has just started, we can win
- Freedom is a foundamental belief, a human nature stronger than the greed
- Justice is on our side and the truth will be accepted by the public eventually
4. Use the right approach
Talk to family and friends
- If busy, focus on the casual conversations with people instead of protests
- Keep talking about the virus situation no matter how hard it is
- Tell them
- you have not had the vaccine
- why
Use Telegram to communicate
Try your best to do the following
- Move private chats and group chats to Telegram
- Encourage people to install Telegram and tell them why
- Stop using censored platforms such as Twitter or Facebook to organize events. They are only there because they are allowed for now
5. Keep engaging with the vaccinated
Use the right language
- Always refer to "experimental vaccine", never "vaccine" alone. It serves a good defence against the smear of "anti-vaxxers"
- Convince them "my decision is reasonable" rather than "my decision is right"
- Do not use confrontational language
- The situation is about life and death, not your ego
- Do not refer to them as "sheeple" etc.
- When you empathize with their perspective, persuation becomes easier
One step at a time
Do not overwhelm people with information. They very likely went along the government narrative because they don't like reading too much and are used to be taken care of by the government. Guide them through the discovery steps below and let them drive the pace.
Make them aware you are unvaccinated and you have your reasons, so when they think or talk about the situation they think of you (their family, friend, colleague, neighbor) and your smile
Share your thorough research into the situation and websites like FireTofu so they respect your decision more
Nudge them once in a while and hope they start to understand the unvaxed, whether because of some news or some personal experiences they had
Recruit them into the fight. Utilize their status to convine more people the injustice in vax discrimination. No minority prosecution has ended without the support of the larger population.
6. Group up with the like-minded
- Join groups online
- Find or build a offline group with people in your area
- Guidance on groups
7. Prepare for the last fight
- If Stage 2 above happens, the fight is already lost. Everyone should prepare for the last fight