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The cure

While usually the cure is more important than the vaccine for an illness, COVID-19 cures has been buried in vaccine propanganda.

Before the population reaches herd immunity, we need to boost our natural immunity to fight the virus, a point often omitted from the news.

If contracted the virus, here are some of the suggested cures (FireTofu is only listing them for reference purposes):

Comprehensive protocols

Preventative medicine

The care giver and all close contacts of such cases should take Hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as per protocol and as prescribed by the treating medical officer.

Asymptomatic or mildly ill

  • Many drugs for parasites are good for COVID-19 as well

Hospital protocol:

Where to get them

Why many of them are not officially approved

  • Approving the cheap and effective cures harm the power and revenue of the pharma-government complex
  • There is no financial interest to sponsor the expensive double-blind randomized trials. As a result, no one is submitting the applications to the drug regulating agencies
